We inform you that we have a collection of Byzantine icons copyright by our company. Through our hundreds of different images you can find rare Saints not found anywhere else. On the website of our company www.kappadokis.eu the list is constantly enrich
We invite you to visit our website and we will be happy to work with you
Our Icons are a combination of handmade work and spray printing. The processing of the wood, the passing of the leaves of true gold and the glazing are done by hand. The Icons are printed on special machines with high resolution and fidelity
Our products include:
Images of Saint or representation with real gold leaves in the dimension 30 X 22 or 35 X 18 full body
Images of Saint or representation with a gold background in the dimension 30 X 22 or 35 X 18 full body
Images of Saint or representation in a frame with real gold leaves in the dimension 30 X 22 or 35 X 18 full body
Images of Saint or representation in a frame with yellow of blue background in the dimension 30 X 22 or 35 X 18 full body
Images in natural wood made so as to give the impression of an old image. In this type we are original from other similar companies because the image is with special printing directly on the wood and not paper glued to the wood. Dimensions 30 X 22 or 35 X 18 full body
Byzantine paintings with various themes (mainly Byzantine). The paintings have done with top (and here) resolutions in high quality canvas for which a German aging company gives a 100 year guarantee in the colors without glass. Indicative: 33 X 25 or 37 X 23 full body saints
For more information we have to call +302315508871 / +306984124647, send email to info@kappadokis.eu or complete online form
Yours sincerely
Arsenios Galanopoulos-Vranis Georgios