In this category the icon is made on natural beech wood. The wood has been left in a dry place for many months before being processed in order to eliminate any moisture, after sanding it is pre-treated by hand, then it is printed directly on the wood with special machines of high specifications and high resolution, at the end it becomes " artistic erasing "with gold and thus gives the impression of old icon, so we have works of special aesthetics, unique quality and durability and we guarantee the quality and absolute fidelity in relation to the original.
icon Saint Symeon new theologian iconSaint Symeon the New Theologian, was born in the year 949 AD. in Galatia of Paphlagonia by pious and wealthy parents. At a young age, Symeon met a monk of the nickname Studio Monastery, who became his spiritual father from the beginning. A little later, he g..
icon Saint Theodoros Stratilatis iconSaint Theodore the Stratilatis came from Euchaita in Galatia and lived in Heraklion in the Black Sea. A soldier by profession, he was distinguished for his bravery and was quickly promoted to the highest ranks of the military hierarchy. When in 320 AD. Licin..
icon Saint Apostle Thomas iconOne of the 12 apostles. He was absent during the first appearance of the Lord after the Resurrection for this and initially disbelieved in His Resurrection. After 8 days, the Lord appeared again among them, telling the Apostle Thomas to come and put his finger "in ..
icon Saint Vartholomaios icon on woodVartholomew was one of the twelve Apostles of the Lord. He preached the Gospel to the Hindus but in Urbanoupolis the pagans crucified him, and so he gloriously ended his life with martyrdom.Saint Vartholomaios icon..
icon Saint Vasileios the Great icon on woodVasileios the Great is the father and teacher of the Orthodox Church. He was born in 329 AD, in the village of Annisa of Pontus and grew up in Caesarea of Cappadocia. He had eight brothers, three boys and five girls. Of the four boys, three beca..
icon Saint Vasilios Great iconBasil the Great is a father and teacher of the Orthodox Church. He was born in 329 AD, in the village of Annissa in Pontus and grew up in Caesarea in Cappadocia. He had eight siblings, three boys and five girls. Of the four boys, three became bishops..
icon Saint Xenophon icon Saint Xenophon lived in Constantinople during the reigns of Emperors Justin I (518 - 527 AD) and Justinian (527 - 565 AD). He was a rich senator and was distinguished for his deep piety to God. She had two children, Arkadios and Ioannis. As soon as these circu..
icon Saint Ypomoni icon She was the mother of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine Paleologos. Her name was Eleni, during her solitary haircut she received this fitting name which she wanted to sanctify. He had 6 children with Andronikos who is also said to have ended his earthly life a..
n Saints Raphael, Nikolaos and Irene icon on woodThey lived and martyred in the 16th century on the island of Mytilene. Saint Raphael was the abbot of the monastery where the martyrdom took place. Agios Nikolaos who immediately succumbed to the very first martyrdom and little Irinoula, the..
icon The ascent to Golgotha iconThe god-man Jesus ascends with great pain but willingly to His Golgotha. His inexpressible love for man leads Him to the Sacrifice of the Cross. He lifts up the heavy Cross and ascends His Golgotha. In practice, he shows each of us to climb his own Golgotha by li..
icon Holy Myrrhbearers iconBefore even these of his disciples the Lord appeared to the Myrrh-bearers to announce the most joyful event in the world, His Resurrection. The God-man Jesus with pierced palms and ribs will now forever carry this human nature to remind us all of His infinite lov..
icon The Resurrection of Jesus Christ icon The The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. It is considered the "victory of life over death through the Cross" and reveals the beginning of the new creation of the new world. Finally it sym..